Case Studies for Learning from Major Failures - Towards an Operational Excellence 723049 Why Choose this Training Course?This Oxford training course covers case studies of major failures and disasters to promote learning from failures using root cause analysis. This will be through examining known and topical cases, as well as cases related to the particular own experience of the delegates. This will be based on the analysis of reported disasters to understand the root causes of why those incidents occurred and how such crises unfold over time and hence how can we learn generic lessons from those disasters. The training course is based on material that the author has used in teaching courses on reliability and maintenance engineering at various universities and industries for over 20 years, where the proposed models and case studies covered were used in the teachings, and also draws on material from the research carried out by the author which is being compiled into a book.This Oxford training course will feature:Why do we need to learn from failures?Aspects of risk management and risk assessmentAn interdisciplinary approach, combining risk analysis, reliability engineering, decision analysis and management scienceSocio technical aspects of risk and disastersWhat are the Goals?By the end of this Oxford training course, participants will be able to:Understanding of safety, risk and continuity of operationsDevelopment of people management skillsMastering techniques that can enhance plant reliabilityHow to conduct benchmarking and quality systems auditingApplying decision analysis approachesWho is this Training Course for?This Oxford course is highly recommended for all Operations, Maintenance, Reliability, Engineering and Technical Support staff. Also, this training course is applicable to any person actively involved or contemplating safety, performance measurement, improvement and/or quality and reliability related activities. It will also benefit:Operations & Process ProfessionalsReliability & Safety ProfessionalsOther professionals involved in process improvementHow will this Training Course be Presented?This Oxford course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes tutor facilitation, direct input, delegate discussions, case studies, reviews, interactive exercises and video.