Best Practices in Multishift Operations 666885 Why Choose this Training Course?Whether you work in the oil & gas industry, process industries, network service providers, hospitals or hotels, what all these have in common is multi-shift operations. For a facility to operate safely and efficiently 24/7, it is necessary to apply best practices to shift working. Multiple-shift operation poses a challenge because of the potential for fatigue and disconnects caused by the fact that the personnel are changing every few hours. This can result in a significantly increased risk of incidents and operational problems such as reduced throughput, poor communication and increased levels of waste. What is needed is a way of working that fosters common goals and a seamless flow of information, processes and products throughout your operation.This Oxford training course will reveal how the world's most successful companies manage multiple-shift 24-hour operations. In order to succeed in today’s highly competitive global economy, all 24-hour operations must continuously improve to deliver world-class people and process performance. This requires highly motivated and skilled shift supervisors and managers, who are capable of getting the very best from all of the resources available to them, crucially ensuring that the needs of the shift teams are met in terms of personal well-being, the personal development of excellent operators and team development.This Oxford training course will feature:Why 24/7 operation needs multiple-shift workingHow Shift working introduces extra challengesCommunication and leadership for shift workingWhy shift working increases risk from fatigue and at changeoverDevelopment of strategies to manage shift risks and issues and become a world-class 24/7 operationWhat are the Goals?By the end of this Oxford training course, participants will be able to:Recognize and appreciate the issues associated with 24/7 shift operationIdentify strategies to deal with the issuesBenchmark your performance against that of world-class facilities and explore alternative shift schedulesDevelop effective Shift SupervisorsCreate an Action Plan for continuous improvement back at workWho is this Training Course for?This training course is suitable to a wide range of professionals but will greatly benefit delegates new to shift working environments, as well as those with many years experience of shift work, from both process and non-process industries, namely:Plant/operations personnel and managers, shift supervisors and shift team leadersPersonnel interested in Quality and Quality AssuranceMaintenance and Engineering PersonnelTraining & Development PersonnelPersonnel from Logistics or Network Support TeamsPersonnel from Customer Service at any levelHR Personnel and those involved in Staff health and welfare at any levelHow will this Training Course be Presented?This training course will utilise a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. This includes a combination of lecture, discussion and group/individual activities. Delegates are encouraged to bring specific challenges and issues they are facing to the session for group discussion. In addition, we will discuss Best Practices currently used at participants' companies so that delegates will have the opportunity to learn from numerous sources. Each delegate will develop a personal Action Plan that will help guide future improvement efforts back at work.